Welcome to the pour compendium! This is the guide for the different types of pours available.
Hard Marble
Soft Marble
Marble Split
Broken Fade
Wash Split
A split divides two colors on a semi-clean line. This technique is called a "stack" when more colors are added.
A hard marble is a pour style in which two or more colors make up the design. In the case of a hard marble, the separation between the colors is distinct and brief.
A soft marble is a pour style in which two or more colors make up the design. With a soft marble, the multiple colors take up larger amounts of space and tend to wisp into each other.
A marble split combines the effects of marble and either a single color split, or a secondary marble unlike the first on the bottom.
A broken fade meets two colors with a marble in the middle.
Our Ribbon is technically a form of very tight marble. Colors are poured in a fashion that causes them to fall in an almost linear fashion, which is further augmented by stacking them in a particular way on top of each other.
A wash coats the toy in one color, which is backed up by a second color.
A Wash Split takes the premise of a wash but adds a second color in the base. The wash in the base and top of the toy will be the same color, while the backing colors are different.
A drip uses one color of silicone to drip down the toy, while other effects are applied behind it.